In December 2008 I presented at a Research Seminar at the Kodokan, Tokyo, on the topic of Successful Judo Performance. I tried to identify what we know about successful judo performance based on research.
I have pasted below the bullet points from my Summary slide:
•Come from less than 30 nations (30以下の国)
•Aged 18 – 33 (18歳から33歳)
•Technical range – unpredictability (意外性のある技の幅)
•6 nagewaza, 2 newaza (6種類の投げ技と、2種類の寝技)
•Kouchigari (小内刈り)
•Six 25 second bursts with 10 second rests (25秒間の激しい攻防と10秒間の静止)
•Understand seoinage and uchimata (背負い投げと内股)
•Low body fat percentage (低い体脂肪率)
•High lactate tolerance (高い乳酸値に対する耐性)
•Left sided tendencies (左サイドの技への変化)
•Aged 18 – 33 (18歳から33歳)
•Technical range – unpredictability (意外性のある技の幅)
•6 nagewaza, 2 newaza (6種類の投げ技と、2種類の寝技)
•Kouchigari (小内刈り)
•Six 25 second bursts with 10 second rests (25秒間の激しい攻防と10秒間の静止)
•Understand seoinage and uchimata (背負い投げと内股)
•Low body fat percentage (低い体脂肪率)
•High lactate tolerance (高い乳酸値に対する耐性)
•Left sided tendencies (左サイドの技への変化)
Lets look forward to The Olympic Games in Rio in 2016. Around 6.5 years to go. The mean age of the judo medallists in Beijing was 25, with a range or 18 - 33. If we assume that to be the case in 2016, then the players you are working with between the ages of 11 - 26 are in with a chance.
What can you do in 2010 as a coach to increase their chances of medalling in Rio? How can you enhance their environment? Can they work on the left? Can they score with kouchigari? Is their conditioning relevant to the task they will encounter and relevant to their stage of development. How can you better yourself as a coach so you are still useful to them in 6.5 years time?
Do you have a plan for these players? Can you get advice? Do you have a more experienced coach you can turn to for support?
The New Year is a time for resolutions. Make that plan, devlop yourself so you can develop your players. Imagine coaching a player to win a gold medal in Rio. What a party that would be!
I'm working with the team at to deliver the European Judo Union Level 3 Coach Award.
Happy New Year.